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Recently we shared the story of Karen Lee Bowman who was THE lucky winner of our “Win A Kiss from David Cassidy and a Part on the Partridge Family Contest.” Today, Karen’s daughter, Amy, tells us all about her mom’s experience.

How old were you when your mom shared her trip to Hollywood?

Honestly, I don’t remember her specifically telling me, it was more of I found her scrapbook while snooping in her stuff when I was in Jr. High, then made her tell me. Mom wasn’t one to brag about her life, she was very proud of her past and life but she didn’t want anyone to think she was bragging.

Did you understand what a big deal it was for a teenager to fly to Hollywood, meet the teen idols?

Oh yes, I wanted to tell everyone. Most people didn’t believe me until I snuck her scrapbook out of the house and took it to school in Jr. High. My sophomore year in High School a friend, Amiee was watching Nick at Night and came across the episode and came to school all excited she saw it. What I wouldn’t have given to meet my idols at that age. 😊

Did you understand that she had a part in a hit TV show?

Yes, I was older so I really understood the gravity of what happened to her.

Amy with her mom during her cancer treatment.

Have you ever seen that episode of the Partridge Family?

Yes, I have. I also have all the magazines and articles written about her. It was all set up at her Celebration of Life Service.

Since I don’t know how old you were, do you remember her showing you photos and telling you about her experience?

I think the first time we really talked about it was in 1992/1993 and yes she finally broke down and showed me and told me all about her experience.

Not many of us get to see our mom when they were a teenager. She was very pretty. Were you surprised how beautiful she was as a teenager?

Not at all, she grew even more beautiful in her 20’s and I think my mom was at her most beautiful when she passed away. Mom had the physical beauty that you all saw but until you really got to know her and her heart you really didn’t know and understand her real beauty.

Did she tell you about how her friends reacted when they saw her on TV?

No, not really. Mom wasn’t one that had a lot of friends in high school, she had one bestie, Millie. Millie and mom stayed in touch and Millie was at her Celebration of Life Service.

Your mom had lunch with the Brady Bunch kids. Did you know about that show or have you seen it since and realized it was a big deal to meet the Brady kids?

Yes, we used to watch the Brady Bunch growing up, looking back though at that time it was just a TV show, to us it wasn’t real people acting.

Did she describe if she was nervous filming her part on the PF?

She was nervous when she first got there but as soon as she met everyone she calmed down and wasn’t nervous at all.

Do you still have the mementos we sent to her after she flew home?

I have everything she had, I am not sure what you sent home with her. I’m looking for where I put it after she passed.

What other things did you mom tell you in the way of “words of wisdom” – about life, etc. not pertaining to her trip?

Oh, I have so many, she was funny and unique and liked to teach life lessons with a bit of flare and laughter.

1. She loved to tell us in front of our friends as we were walking out the door, “Hey, remember don’t pick your nose with your fork”.

2. Never went a day without telling us she loved us, worried about us, prayed for us.

3. She always led with her heart, “lead with love” is what she told me.

4. Warm fuzzies – when we were kids and needed to talk about serious things we would lay our heads on a pillow on her lap and she would just play/stroke our hair while we worked through whatever issues we were having, problems, happy and sad moments.

5. She was THE MOM all the friends came to talk to. She was open and honest without judgement answering any questions we/they had. It annoyed me in high school when friends would come to just talk to her.

6. “Enjoy yourself, spend time getting to know yourself, who you are without anyone. Be ok, in the quiet.”

7. “Spend time with the Bible, ask questions, research.”

8. “Past memories and experiences are important, history is important but don’t dwell on past mistakes, learn, fix, move on.”

How old were you when she passed?

Mom passed away in 2014, 7 days after my older brother turned 36, I was 34 at the time. This year marks 11 years without her.

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March 1, 2025

From the Tiger Beat Archives, November 1967 The sound of the Who has been hitting charts in England for quite some time, but not until this year have the wild for some broken the beat barrier where they wanted to make it most-America. Smashing Show Seeing the Who perform is something else! They don’t just […]

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