When I moved to Hollywood in 1966 I knew how to cook 3 things: pancakes, brownies and French toast. Moving from my parents’ home in Anaheim, I moved into a 1 bedroom furnished apartment in West Hollywood. My across the street neighbor was Davy Jones. Though I know now that TV dinners were in the supermarkets, I had never had one and it didn’t occur to me to eat a frozen dinner.
I had grown up in a traditional post-war family, stay-at-home mom, my dad was a banker and every night when he would come home from work, my mom put a home-cooked meal on the table and my older brother, parents and I sat down and enjoyed the food and family conversation. We only ate in front of the TV on TV trays on Sunday nights when we either had take out pizza paired with a salad my mom made with homemade blue cheese dressing or Pink’s hamburgers and fries. Pink’s Drive-in was a hamburger stand about a mile from our house. Dad would drive down and get us 10 cent burgers, fries and shakes. A semi-weekly treat to be sure, then we would watch the Ed Sullivan Show as we enjoyed our meal.
Once on my own, I didn’t make a big deal out of dinner. I ate lunch almost every day at a restaurant, usually with my girlfriends from work, sometimes on my own, but seldom at fast food joints. There were only a few in those days anyway. I’d go home and was happy to just make a sandwich or eat a bowl of cereal for dinner.
Because my family was of modest means, we only ate at restaurants on rare occasions. Once or twice a year we went to a fancy buffet restaurant where the main attraction was perfectly cooked roast beef and sides of mashed potatoes and peas. We lived about 5 miles from Knott’s Berry Farm. In the 60’s it was just the Ghost Town attraction, no rides, but they served Mrs. Knott’s fried chicken dinner 7 nights a week. We would have dinner there about once a year.
As you might imagine, going out to restaurants, fancy or plain, was a big deal to me. It was always special.
I can’t remember my dining with the stars in any particular order. I do know that over the course of my years at Tiger Beat I would discover a love of food and fine dining, but in each instance it was a matter of baby steps toward me becoming a foodie.
One of my first introductions to a “new” food was when I was traveling with Paul Revere and the Raiders and the Standells on their November 1966 tour through the southern United States. Usually one or more of the guys would invite me to join them for breakfast before climbing on the tour bus to head to the next city on the tour. So, having grown up on bacon, eggs and toast for breakfast (one of my mom’s rules on school days, and we were allowed cereal only on the weekends), this was my order at every breakfast. But in the South, that order comes with grits, something I had never tasted in my life! I actually thought it was pretty boring, grits with a pat of butter. Ugh! Funny to think back on that time, when today cheese grits are a traditional part of my Christmas day breakfast for my family and I have made polenta lasagna and countless dishes with polenta (corn meal) as the star of the meal.
I never had really expensive cuts of beef growing up, although my mom’s pot roast was killer. So, sometimes when I would need to do an in-depth interview with Bobby Sherman, rather than stretch it out asking one question on each of his breaks from filming “Here Comes The Brides,” he would invite me out to lunch at the Yankee Pedlar restaurant in Burbank, right across from the NBC studios and nearby the Columbia Ranch, where the outdoor sets for many Screen Gems shows were filmed.
Half of the fun began before we got to the restaurant as Bobby would drive me there in his Rolls Royce. Then it would just be the two of us and I would order a dinner meal, as would he, and as we ate slowly, we would do our interview. It would usually be a 2 hour lunch, but it was the times Bobby and I went to this restaurant that I fell in love with Prime Rib and Horseradish Sauce. I never ordered anything else. It was like a ritual. I know, tough job, but somebody had to do it!
Early in my Hollywood days I met and became good friends with Genie the Tailor. She was older than me by about 5 years, so she was both a friend and a mentor in life skills. She had moved to Hollywood from New York, so just by virtue of being a New Yorker she was much more worldly than I. She made costumes and clothes for many of the rock stars of the day, and with her great wit, she wrote a monthly column for Tiger Beat called “Genie’s Adventures in Groovyland.”
She had met Eric Clapton on his first tour of the United States in 1966 and had a crush on him. Eric Clapton became a rock icon, but early in his career he was just another member of the band called Cream, with Ginger Baker and Jack Bruce. He had left the Yardbirds by then, but he was not the superstar he would become.
One night, Genie called me and invited me to go out to dinner with she and Eric. Why I’ll never know. Maybe she

I’m with Genie the Tailor (left) and her date for the opening of “Yellow Submarine.” Genie made the incredible brocade cape I’m wearing and on my left my friend Donna Ayerst. Donna and I met during our college days, working on the college newspaper together. Shortly after this picture, was taken, Donna was hired as Jade Jagger’s nanny for a year before Bianca fired her!
was a bit nervous, though Genie was one of the most self-confident people I have ever met. Whatever the reason, we met at Genie’s house in Laurel Canyon (the Hollywood bastion of hippiedom), and I drove to Tail of the Cock, a British pub on Sunset Boulevard. I had never been there before, but the restaurant had a reputation of having the best beef short ribs in the universe. Genie was a vegetarian, but she always found good things to eat. I was not shy about ordering the house special, nor was Eric, and it was amazing. Eric was somewhat shy, but the conversation was mostly between him and Genie. It was still a fun night and to this day I marvel at the path Eric’s life took, the good and the bad. As for the short ribs, I adored them and whenever a British group would be in town and ask about going out to dinner, this was the first place I recommended, as long as I was invited!
On my first trip to London, I caught up with Herman’s Hermits as they were filming their third movie “Mrs. Brown You’ve Got a Lovely Daughter” at Shepperton Studios, Shepperton, Surrey, England. I first became friends with Peter Noone and the rest of the group in 1965, even before I went to work for Tiger Beat. We were all about the same age and just hit it off as great friends! I would see them every time they came to Hollywood.
While filming the movie, they stayed at a nearby bed and breakfast. It was an historic farmhouse that had been turned into an elegant, upscale B & B. So, after spending the morning watching them film, we all went back to the B & B for lunch. I met Karl’s new wife and we all had a sumptuous luncheon in the formal dining room, which looked out upon the green English countryside.

Peter Noone (Herman) greets me as he arrives in Hollywood. It was when I visited him in England that I got a real shock!
Ah, but we did not order lunch, it was a meal the chef prepared for our group. The entrée: fish. Back in Anaheim, growing up, I hated fish. The only thing from the sea I would eat was batter fried shrimp. Anything else I would not touch. But my mom never forced me to eat fish and as soon as I got my driver’s license, she would let me drive down to Pink’s Drive-In for a hamburger on the nights she would serve fish.
I was in an awkward position. I would never be so rude as to say I wouldn’t eat what was so graciously served to me, so I just got up my nerve and broke off a small piece with my fork and began to chew. It was a filet of sole in a lemon butter sauce and it was amazing!
In that one moment that was forced upon me, I broke out of my “no fish” hole and never looked back. In the coming years I would not only enjoy fish of all kinds, but I spent a lot of time fishing off the California and Baja coast and even became a sushi enthusiast. My mom never would have dreamed it would turn out as it did.
I had never been a coffee drinker, but after spending 3 weeks in London, I was addicted to English Breakfast tea with milk and sugar. I would start each day with my tea as I read the Los Angeles Times before heading to work. I had moved from my 1 bedroom apartment to a rented house on Beachwood Drive, just down the road from the famous Hollywood sign. I also began a Sunday night ritual. I watched Julia Child on PBS and I bought a copy of her cookbook “Mastering the Art of French Cooking,” and I began to work my way through her cookbook. It would be a labor of love for many years, but it was so much fun learning to cook.
I hadn’t started my TV cooking lessons when I had Harry Nilsson over for dinner at my house. Harry and I were introduced when Greylon Landon, head of publicity for RCA records, asked me to do a favor and write about one of their new artists, Harry Nilsson. I was happy to do a favor for Greylon as he had been a valuable contact for me to write about Elvis Presley for the New Musical Express in England, which published my weekly column, “America Calling by Ann Moses.”

I got to know Harry Nilsson before he was famous. I got to know the real guy – nice, humble and such a genius!
So, I did a brief interview with Harry at the RCA offices and I found him to be a fascinating person. He was older than me, a former banker, divorced from his first wife. He had left the world of finance to pursue his love of writing and singing music. Because our interview had been so comfortable, I asked Harry if he’d like to come over for dinner sometime. He eagerly accepted. He was a bachelor and liked the idea of a home-cooked meal.
There was never a romantic attraction between us, but we did share a warm friendship. Still, I was nervous about the dinner I would prepare for him. I called my mom and got her recipe for one of my favorites of her dinners: pork chops braised with apples, raisins and apple cider, and rice pilaf as the side dish. I wasn’t 21 yet, but I had a friend buy some wine and since I really wasn’t crazy about wine, I chose a liebfraumilch, which is a white German wine that is on the sweet side, at least the one I chose, which made it drinkable.
We had a lovely evening, Harry loved the food and we talked constantly. I served dessert, what else – brownies and vanilla ice cream. Who doesn’t like brownies? This dinner was not the pinnacle of my culinary expertise, but we had a wonderful time together and Harry reciprocated by inviting me out to dinner at a little Hollywood French bistro. The meal was better than mine, but the camaraderie was just as superb.
Good times. . .Ann Moses reporting about “back in the day.”
{ 27 comments… read them below or add one }
I love your stories Annie! Whenever I see the info-mercial for the collection of 60’s music, I have to wonder what are these people doing today? Of course, so many of these musicians were part of your circle “back in the day”. Some I look at and wonder, why did I think they were cute and remind me, why did I like that music? But was curious, do you ever try to seek any of them out?
You mention these names so matter-of-factly. Harry was and is my hero. I would have loved to have spoken to him. Did you realize THEN how fortunate you were to hang with all these guys??
Yes, Michael, I DID realize then how fortunate I was. I cannot hear Harry’s songs today without thinking that I wish I could have gotten to know him even better. His work/art was amazing. I played “The Point” for my children all the time. He was an amazing talent.
You have so many great stories, thanks for sharing them:)
Thanks for the great stories. I was so happy when I found your blog. Had often wondered what had happened to you, since I stopped reading Tiger Beat. In 1966 (I was all of 10)I thought you were sophisticated, mature and ever so cool. It’s quite a surprise now to realize how young you were. By all means, tell us why you left Hollywood for a “normal” life. I’ll bet it’s a great story.
Thanks so much for your interest! Yes, I will tell the story of my “afterlife,” but I have many more stories to tell before that day comes!
Hi Ann,
I just ran across a black and white booklet from the 60’s written by you about Donny Osmond. It’s “The Secret Life of Donny Osmond”; about 26 pages. Didn’t know I’d kept anything from those days!! Can you tell me, or do you have any idea what it would be worth now? I was never crazy about Donny, lol (just a guy named Danny who was too old for me, haha). I would like to sell it if it’s worth something. And how cool to talk to you!!!!! You seem like a natural at whatever you do. Keep it up!
Hi Linda,
My best suggestion is look at similar memorabilia on ebay. I have seen issues of Tiger Beat that sold for $9.00 (remember our cover price was 50 cents!) and other items fetch good price to a serious collector. Since Donny (and Marie) are currently such huge performers in Vegas, his fans from the good ole days may love the chance to buy your “treasure.” Good luck!
Thanks for reading!
Oh, thank you so much, Ann. What a real delight to hear from you! I have seen the magazines selling from $8- $20 depending on tne cover. Pretty cool. Age does have its benefits, haha!
Would love to hear stories about Sajid Khan, Jon Provost and the Osmonds. I bought every issue of Tiger Beat for many years. I wanted your job!!!
You cooked through Julia Child’s cookbook years before the blogger of “Julie & Julia” fame! LOL
Have you gone to see Peter Noone’s concerts recently. If he’s come to AZ?
Yes, I did, but not every recipe! In fact, once I rushed to the kitchen to make crepes after watching Julia’s PBS show on Sunday night. I had all the ingredients to make crepes with caramel. I cooked up the caramel, just sugar and water boiled until it’s lightly brown, and poured it into the finished crepes. What I had to learn the hard way was that without adding cream to stop the cooking process, it turns into hard candy. So, when I took my first bite of crepe, anxiously awaiting a French delight, what I had instead was a Sugar Daddy wrapped in a thin pancake. Oh well, many of the dishes I tried turned out great!
So enjoy reading your stories of back in the day. You were the girl who we all wanted to be. How many kids can even name the editor of magazines they read now? You were the best.
Awesome pictures! We all wished we had your job! Your pictures bring back such awesome times!
Hi Ann,
I am so enjoying your stories and photos from “back in the day”.
Who would have imagined back in third grade that I could say I knew the editor of Teen Beat!
Keep ’em coming.
You had the best job in the world! Love hearing your stories here . Thank you for sharing all these memories. I wish I had some of those Tiger Beat magazines . One of my dearest friends 49 years Barb from California. We became pals as a result of me requesting them at Tiger Beat. We plan to get together later this year . What a great ride it’s been .
Wow! What an amazing career and life you have had. Thank you so much for sharing your stories with us. This way we can all live through your experiences. Keep them coming!
You cannot imagine how utterly blown away I am about accidentally finding your blog after only yesterday telling my husband that my friend, Ann Moses, had introduced me to Genie the tailor “back in the day.” The subject of Genie came up after reading a review of the de Young Museum’s “Summer of Love” current exhibition, with a particular piece about Genie the Tailor!!!!! So today, when I came home from my job at the British High Commission in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, I googled Genie the Tailor and there was your blog. A true “What the Hell???” moment. I have enjoyed a good laugh for the past 20 minutes and WANT TO SEE YOU. We are heading back to California in the summer. How to get in touch???
I loved Tiger Beat and wanted to be Ann so badly! She brought David Cassidy to me through the pages of that magazine. I went into radio, to do what Ann did: meet my favorite artists (yes, David Cassidy!) and tell my stories. Ann was such a part of my teenage years through ‘Tiger Beat’!
Hi Ann, just put down your book after a fascinating read. I’m online editor @Toorak Times & Tagg in Melbourne Australia & am a member of the Aussie Music & film industry affiliations here.
I found your book totally mesmerising & certainly on a rather substantial smaller scale have also met many of my idols but your stories just blow my mind!
I sincerely hope you get to publish a part deux with a few recipes that you brought with you from that era?!
The 60’s inspired my wanting to work in the Entertainment Industry & your booked has just topped off my curiosity about Hollywood & the stars of the era, Thank you again for a real ‘page turner’! LibbyX
Hello Ann!
I love to read your articles, especially about The Monkees :))
I’m a big fan of Genie, can you write more about her?
Hey Ann!! Once again, absolutely fascinating. My goodness, all these days would be forgotten totally if you didn’t document them. What a time it was and in 1966/67, my mom’s nieces were usually taking me with them on their dates. Always with a transistor radio round their necks, I would hear first run disc’s like Cowsills or Herman, while they made sure I was looking south as they “smooched” with the boyfriends! I loved those days, growing up in Brooklyn! I saw Harry Nilsson at one of his very last outings…a Beatlefest in NJ where he almost couldn’t speak..too much drink and too lat im afraid, so he held up a sign at his booth that said “FREE KISSES”! A WONDER of a man and one of our favorite musicians! Thank you Ann, for the many trips back! Joey!
So glad I stumbled across your blog. I found it because my grandmother was telling me the other day about the Yankee Peddler across from the studios and I googled it to see if there was any information online about it. Turns out, my grandmother’s lifelong friend and aunt (married my grandmother’s youngest uncle) owned the restaurant with her husband. I remember Auntie Gen cooking up a storm in her kitchen in Huntington Beach making the best pot roast and Chicago style beef at family parties. I remember being told as a little girl that she used to have a restaurant but didn’t know it was called the Yankee Peddler until recently. I’m from Anaheim (born in the 80’s) and I’m a HUGE local history buff. It’s wonderful to hear your stories, thanks for sharing.
Dear Ann,
“Yesterday”, you gave girls like me and my friends such a thrill. What a gift! What a magazine! I believe, it actually got me through junior high and high school, as I partially placed my allowance money on buying your magazines. I thought you were so wonderful and giving of yourselves, I wanted to be just like you, or Jeannie Franklyn!
I worked on our jr. high and high school newspapers to be like you, and to be like Jeannie, I took home economics to learn how to sew, and I modeled an A-line dress I designed for a school fashion show. I was trying to make my dreams come true. Well, in the end, I went into the health field, but I have no regrets. As long as I am helping people, I’m happy.
Back in early 1969, I wrote a fan note to Genie the Tailor. I got the biggest kick out of her articles. I wanted to design and sew clothes, and I told her my parents were taking our fam’ on a cross-country trip, and we would be arriving in Hollywood in late May 1969, and could I visit her shop. She had one of her “fairy god-mothers” answer me, gave me some “if I were you” advice, and said she would be happy to receive me and my family! Well, you can imagine my happiness.
So we we drove west, and all the way, I was looking forward to asking for her career advice and meeting the delightful Genie. We were busy driving across Texas and New Mexico and Arizona. There was very little time to peruse drug store magazine racks, and besides that, my money was being saved for souvenirs for my family and friends.
Dad drove up Santa Monica, I flitted out and ran across to Genie’s block. When I arrived, all there was were soaped-up windows and a paper flower hanging above the door. I knew something awful had happened, but I didn’t know what. As we drove away, I saw Micky Dolenz two feet from our station wagon crossing the street, or it seems in recollection, a railroad track…? Anyway, I was too upset to react. My brother took a picture of him. By the time he got the Kodak Instamatic out, Micky was very far away.
Many years have gone by, but from time-to-time I am reminded of Jeannie. During my recent move, I found a folder with her “fairy godmother” letters (2) offering advice and the invitation. How sweet and generous it was of her. Even after all of these decades, I feel an ache in my heart.
I believe, people like Jeannie and you, Ann, should have a place in The Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. You did so much in the way of publicity and stage costumes to propel the great performers up to their highest heights. Since you’ve had the time and the years to fill in the blanks, I know more about your dear life and generosity to both performers and fans. But, Jeannie? I have very little.
Since my husband, Richard, and I travel so often, I would be so grateful to know where Jeannie is resting. I would like to thank her for giving her time to a little 14-year old girl. I would like to place a lovely bouquet of flowers at her memorial. But, I have no idea where this is. Could you help me? I would be so grateful. Thank you for enriching our early years.
My husband and I are nearly retired. He is a consultant, and we travel a lot all over the country. I would love to
I don’t know where Genie was laid to rest. She had an impact on my life that I will never forget either. Thanks for your kind words.
Hi Ann,
Sorry to hear of your friend, Genie’s passing! What a life she must have had! Trust you are well.
All the best,
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