The Osmonds Favorite Fan Letters
Dear friends,
Notice how I started my column this month? It’s like a letter, and that’s what I want to tell you about–the fan letters my brothers treasure the most! Actually they love every single piece of mail they get–they always say they don’t know what they would do if the letters stopped coming! They enjoy hearing from everyone, and if you could see them sitting around the dining room table reading the letters like I do–you know for yourself what a big kick they get hearing from all of you!
The kind of letters they like to read are the ones where you tell them all about yourself! A lot of times during concert tours, they would enjoy nothing better than sitting and getting better acquainted with all of their fans–but there is just never enough time for getting to talk.
So, when you write to the boys, be sure and talk about yourself! Tell them about your school, your friends, what you look like, and all about your hobbies and interests. Believe me, they are really interested in YOU!
Another thing the boys like to read about is what you think about their performances, records, and concerts! They know that you are their best judges and critics, and they really value your opinions very highly.
In the beginning, they didn’t think any of the fans would like their costumes all that much. You should’ve heard all of them–“Do you think the fringes are too long?” “Are the colors to bright?” “Maybe this belt is too much!” Then the letters came pouring in about how much the costumes added to their acts, and how much everyone loved them! The relief and deep satisfaction on their faces made me very glad that those letters arrived when they did!
Of course, there also the letters that can make the boys said very concerned. There was one letter written by a mother and she addressed the letter to Donny who had just come home from the hospital from his appendicitis operation.
She wrote that her 13-year-old daughter was going to the hospital for an operation too, but her little girl was so afraid that she could hardly eat and she was losing a lot of weight! The mother wanted Donny to write some encouraging words, and tell her daughter not to be afraid! Donny did, and several weeks later he got another note from the mother telling about the operation’s success and that her daughter clutched Donny’s letter to her all during the operation. It helped her–and made Donny a very happy guy!

Another type of letter that’s always a big hit with the boys of the ones with pictures and drawings of the fans. The boys keep ALL of the pictures and drawings–they’re filed away in boxes in our home and in the fan club headquarters in Salt Lake City.
You should be very proud of us. We’re getting so organized that we sometimes sit back in amazement! Whenever the boys get any tokens or gifts, we’re determined to send a “thank you” card for everything received! We promise–but give us a little time, okay? We’re not all that organized just yet!
Mother bought the cutest little postcards for the boys to use as thank you cards. They’re pure white except that Osmond Brothers is printed in red and blue in the corner. The boys wanted little cards like that to send the fans who write little notes and send little gifts in the city where they’re playing a concert!
A lot of times, fans will leave notes, letters, and gifts on the stage while the boys are performing. The guys don’t just like to leave the town without letting them know that the letter or gift was received and very much appreciated. So while everyone else is packing, the boys are writing notes on postcards–we mail them as we drive out of town!
The boys say that, so far, their youngest fan writer has been a little girl just a touch over 3–and that some delightful grandmothers have written cheerful notes too!
The boys love the letters–so until next month, why don’t you drop us a line and much happiness to all of you!
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